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Exploring Disparities in Battery Electric Vehicle Affordability and Availability

John Paul Helveston, George Washington University
Zain Hoda, George Washington University
Daniel Fisher, George Washington University
Lujin Zhao, George Washington University

January 09, 2025

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Addressing the “innovation-needs paradox”:

The people most likely to benefit from a technology
are often the last ones to adopt it.

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Data: 44.8M vehicle listings from ~60k dealerships (marketcheck.com)
(2016 - 2021, inclusive)

New Vehicles

Car 3,246,993 154,188 40,206 93,939
SUV 5,234,631 65,507 0 48,284

Used Vehicles

Car 17,488,916 885,266 146,820 212,119
SUV 17,071,227 108,173 0 26,979
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How accessible are BEVs?

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How accessible are BEVs?


1) How many dealerships are carrying BEVs?

2) How hard is it to get to a BEV dealer?

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How accessible are BEVs?


1) How many dealerships are carrying BEVs?

2) How hard is it to get to a BEV dealer?


3) How affordable are BEVs?

4) How many people are eligible for the used PEV subsidy?

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How many dealerships are carrying BEVs?

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~1 in 3 dealers carried a BEV in 2021 (nationally)

Up from
~1 in 10 in 2016

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New BEV availability growing faster than Used

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  • BEV inventories still low at most dealerships
  • Something of a "ZEV Effect" in new market
  • Used market more diffuse
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How hard is it to get to a BEV dealer?

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“Access burden”: additional travel time to see a BEV

Access burden:

  1. Find closest CV and BEV dealerships from census tract centroid.
  2. Compute road travel time* to each dealership: tPEV and tCV
  3. Compute “Burden” as difference in travel time: b=tPEVtCV

*Road travel times obtained using
Open Street Road Map (OSRM)

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BEV access burden has improved over time, but large gaps remain

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Nationally, BEV travel burden is declining, both in magnitude and variation.

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Largest disparities in BEV travel burden is in rural areas, but this is rapidly improving

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BEV travel burden still high for affordable BEVs in rural areas

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How affordable are BEVs?

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Most BEV supply growth in higher-price segments
(and overall supply still quite low)

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What is the median BEV (car) price premium over CVs?

For each census tract:

  • Obtain all BEV & CV car listings in a 2-hour isochrone.
  • Compute median prices for each: pBEV & pCV
  • Compute median premium as difference: ppremium=pBEVpCV
  • Divide ppremium by median annual income of census tract
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Median BEV price premium as % of annual household income:

  • New: 17.1%
  • Used: 13.6%
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BEV premium much higher for DACs:

  • New: 28.5%
  • Used: 23.7%
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How many people are eligible
for the used PEV subsidy?

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This is a hypothetical calculation

  • Used BEV subsidy was not available until 2024
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This is a hypothetical calculation

  • Used BEV subsidy was not available until 2024

Some assumptions

  • We use all BEV listings from 2016 to 2021 (inclusive).
  • We filter for only BEVs 2 years of age (current policy)
  • For each census tract, we count the population as "eligible" if:

    1. The median income is <= the income cap.
    2. The median used BEV price is <= price cap.
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Eligible population could increase from
1/3 to 2/3 if:

  • Increase price cap: $25k -> $35k
  • Increase income cap: $75k -> $100k
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Extra slides

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Access burden is shrinking in magnitude and spatial variation

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Addressing the “innovation-needs paradox”:

The people most likely to benefit from a technology
are often the last ones to adopt it.

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